Answers to Common Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When will my order arrive?Â
A: Your order will be shipped directly to the school. The school will advise when available.
Q: Do I pay shipping to the school?Â
A: No
Q: Can I order after the sale date?Â
A: If you miss the deadline, kits may be available at the school. However, this is not guaranteed askits are made to order during the sale period. Be sure to order during the sale dates to guarantee your student supplies.
Q:Â Who do I contact if I have any questions?Â
A: Please contact your school directly.
Q: Do you have extra kits for sale if I miss the sale date?Â
A: If any extra kits are available, they will be sold at the school. To guarantee your student supplies, be sure to order during the sale dates. Please note that not all schools will sell extra kits.
Q: Can I add to my order after placing it?Â
A: No, you will need to place a new order.
Q: Can I cancel my order?Â
A: Orders can only be canceled during the sale period. After the sale closes, all sales are final, and you can pick up your order at the school when notified by the school.
Q: When will my credit card or PayPal be charged?Â
A: Both credit card and PayPal payments are charged at the time of sale.
Q: If I cancel my order during the sale period, how long will it be before I receive a refund?Â
A: Canceled order refunds are submitted to your bank immediately. However, your bank may take up to 7 business days to reflect the refund.
Q:Â When is the sale period?Â
A: Schools determine the sale period.